Celebrating 76 Years of Service...
Education Awards
Education Awards are given at both the elementary and secondary levels. The local Petrolia area elementary schools are Lambton Centennial, Queen Elizabeth II, Hillcrest and St. Phillips. The local secondary school is Lambton Central Collegiate & Vocational Institute (LCCVI). Last year over $3000 were awarded to area students.
Education Awards are given at both the elementary and secondary levels. The local Petrolia area elementary schools are Lambton Centennial, Queen Elizabeth II, Hillcrest and St. Phillips. The local secondary school is Lambton Central Collegiate & Vocational Institute (LCCVI). Last year over $3000 were awarded to area students.
Elementary Award Winners 2024

The Margaret Stokes award is given to the grade 8 student that excels in all areas. This award is presented annually at the June Banquet in honour of our name-sake Margaret Stokes. The IODE also recognizes the grade 8 students for our History and Citizenship awards at their commencements in June.
Lambton Centennial School
Stokes – Clive Endrina
History- Eva Perrin
Citizenship- Eva Perrin, Ruby Vandeberghe
Queen Elizabeth II Public School
Stokes – Victor Belii
History- Elliott Mezzatesta
Citizenship- Taylor Campbell
Hillcrest French Immersion School
Stokes - Katie Bender
Histoire - Dekker Holbrough
Citizenship - Not awarded this year
St. Philip’s School
Stokes – Joe Edgar
History- Andrew Holmes
Citizenship- Abigail Ingram
Lambton Centennial School
Stokes – Clive Endrina
History- Eva Perrin
Citizenship- Eva Perrin, Ruby Vandeberghe
Queen Elizabeth II Public School
Stokes – Victor Belii
History- Elliott Mezzatesta
Citizenship- Taylor Campbell
Hillcrest French Immersion School
Stokes - Katie Bender
Histoire - Dekker Holbrough
Citizenship - Not awarded this year
St. Philip’s School
Stokes – Joe Edgar
History- Andrew Holmes
Citizenship- Abigail Ingram

Attention... LCCVI Graduating Students…
The IODE Margaret Stokes Chapter will be accepting applications for our
IODE awards given to LCCVI students entering first year of
post-secondary education
Details and applications are available from
the school's Student Service Department.
Deadline is September 2024.
The IODE Margaret Stokes Chapter will be accepting applications for our
IODE awards given to LCCVI students entering first year of
post-secondary education
Details and applications are available from
the school's Student Service Department.
Deadline is September 2024.
Congratulations to all our recipients!
We are proud of your accomplishments!
Lambton Central Collegiate & Vocational Institute
IODE Education Awards 2022-23
IODE Art Awards $50:
Grade 9 (AVI 1O1) Visual Arts: Diana Krasko
Grade 10 (ALC20Z) Integrated Arts: Kayla Booth
Grade 10 (AVI 2O1) Visual Arts: Brooklyn Brown
Grade 10 (AWA 2O1) Arts and Crafts: Natalee Bourne
Grade 11 (AVI 3M1) Visual Arts: Sarah Land
Grade 11 (AWM 3O1) Drawing and Painting: Pavla Gerrits
Grade 12 (AVI 4E1) Visual Arts-Workplace: Logan Labadie
Grade 12 (AVI 4M1) Visual Arts: Paige Ellis
IODE Canadian and World Studies Awards $50:
Grade 9 (CGC 1D1) Issues in Canadian Geography-Academic: Keira Anjema
Grade 9 (CGC 1DZ) Issues in Canadian Geography- Immersion: Matthew Shih
Grade 10 (CHC2D1) Canadian History Since WWI-Academic: Ashley Sanderson
Grade 10 (CHC 2P1) Canadian History Since WWI-Applied: Kayden Urquhart
Grade 10 (CHC2DZ) Canadian History Since WWI-Immersion: Julianna Grant
Grade 10 (CHV201) Civics: Brooklyn Brown
Grade 10 (CHZ201) Civics-Immersion: Kayla Booth
Grade 11 (CHA3U1) American History: Kate Baresich
Grade 11 (CHW3M1) World History: Rianna Van Stempvoort
Grade 11 (CLU3E1) Understanding Canadian Law-Workplace: not offered
Grade 11 (CLU3M1) Understanding Canadian Law: Rianna Van Stempvoort
Grade 12 (CGR 4E1) Geography- Living in a Sustainable World: not offered
Grade 12 (CHY4U1) World History Since the 15th Century: Logan Labadie
Grade 12 (CLN4U1) Canadian and International Law: Tristan Nemcek
IODE Children’s Literature Award $50: not offered in 2022-23
IODE Mathematics Awards for Grade 12; $50:
Mathematics of Data Management (MDM 4U1): Nolan Patchett
Calculus & Vectors (MCV 4U1): Carson Love
Margaret Stokes Award for Most Dedicated $50: Campbelle Klapak
Dora MacFarlane Music Award $300 (Grade12): Jewel Klassen
Margaret Stokes Chapter Awards 2@$750 each: Ella Jackson, Tessa Jackson
Dr. Philip Dee Award for Biological Sciences $1000 (Grade 12): Karen Van Damme
Past Elementary Stokes Winners
The Stokes Award is given to the most all round elementary school student given in memory of Mrs. Margaret Stokes and Mrs. Louise Stokes
and initiated by Lt. Col. Samuel Gladstone Stokes, M.C.V.D.
After 1984, it was awarded to one student at each of the local Petrolia Elementary Schools.
Prior to this, only one student was chosen in the area, except in 1977.
The Stokes Award is given to the most all round elementary school student given in memory of Mrs. Margaret Stokes and Mrs. Louise Stokes
and initiated by Lt. Col. Samuel Gladstone Stokes, M.C.V.D.
After 1984, it was awarded to one student at each of the local Petrolia Elementary Schools.
Prior to this, only one student was chosen in the area, except in 1977.
Lambton Centennial
Tom Green Christine Sawyer Andrea Ferguson James McIntyre Gregory Burns Robert Cascaden Krista Burns Jeremiah Goodacre Jodi Dales Amy McCallum Kim Dales Chad Henderson Meghan Hunter Selena Fraser Nicole Wagner Theresa Hands Levon Syer Christa Lamb Travis Duncan Kara Campbell Karly Campbell Kendal Marriott Heather Andrew Krista Campbell Lindsay McGregor Kaitlyn Sinclair Amanda Calvank Courtney Sinclair Rachel Irvine Mitchell Elliott Trent Jardine Robbie Moore Jessica Rummery Matt Mueller Rawson Donald Liam Crummy Grace Babcock Emilee Langford Hannah Stephenson Jacob Lassaline Kali McDonald Clive Perrin |
Hillcrest School
Laura Massie Patti Jo Park Kristen Luckhurst Michael Baker Christopher Babula Mark Whiting Deborah Vernon David Barker Sarah Edgar Alisha Willis Laura Field Melanie Ditmars Melissa Bright Alicia Menzies Melissa Vroom Stephanie Black Mallory Cassin school change to JK to gr. 3 school change to FI presented with QE II Alanna Frew Peter Matthews Alexandra Graham Daniel Rust Makenna MacFarlane Darian Brooks Ella Jackson not awarded Isabelle Graham Jillian Layne Gabriel Hurst Katie Bender |